
Po element
Po element

po element
  1. #Po element registration
  2. #Po element code

"The Orange Book")), and the Drug Registration and Listing Database, Office of Epidemiology and Biosurveillance Database. COMIS Reference table (which is used by the Drug Product Reference File to generate Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations (a.k.a. This standard provides for all routes of administration for drugs.

#Po element code

You can link to this page, using the code below: The isotope emits alpha particles and increases the risk for lung cancer. Phosphate fertilizers contain polonium-210, which is absorbed by tobacco and other plants.

po element

It is present in the urine and blood of smokers and increases the risk for premature death due to cardiovascular disease, cirrhosis, and bladder and liver cancer. Polonium-210 is found in cigarettes and enters the body in higher concentrations than radon. The ribs of smokers contain more polonium than those of non-smokers. Some speculate that Arafat died due to poisoning.

po element

Polonium poisoning is extremely rare, however. The symptoms of poisoning include pallor, throat swelling, and nausea. When radiation poisoning occurs, multiple organ failure occurs because alpha particles affect the bone marrow, kidneys, and liver. Polonium can cause death even in small doses. A small amount of polonium (about 10 percent) accumulates in the bone marrow. Long-term exposure has a negative effect on the function of the liver and the lymph nodes. It enters the kidneys and the spleen through the blood stream and accumulates there. Polonium can enter the human body by breathing, drinking water, and eating. It can be also separated from bismuth through fractional distillation. The metallic form of polonium can be electrodeposited on silver or another metal. Halogen compounds include polonium hexafluoride, polonium tetrachloride, and polonium dichloride. There are three known halogen compounds, 3 oxides, and 1 hydride. Two types of polonides can be formed – intermetallic and ionic polonides.

po element

There are no naturally occurring compounds, and polonides and other compounds are synthetically produced. The chemical properties of polonium resemble those of tellurium and bismuth. Regarding its chemical and physical properties, polonium is fairly volatile and silvery-gray in color. The element was named after Curie’s home country. In 1898, Marie Curie discovered radium and polonium after refining pitchblende. The nuclear facilities where uranium and polonium are processed are strictly regulated and monitored as required by international agreements. Polonium-210, in particular, is very dangerous, and processing requires strict procedures, precautions, and special equipment. Other sources of beta particles are used today because polonium is a radioactive element. Due to the short half-life of the element, it should be renewed annually. Polonium was used to eliminate static electricity in sheet plastics and has application in photography. Early versions of atomic weapons used such neutron sources. Neutron sources are created by combining beryllium and polonium-210. It is also used for laboratory experiments in the USA. Anti-static brushes contain small amounts of polonium-210. The isotope is mainly used to clean dust from camera lenses and photographic films and to eliminate static electricity. It can be artificially produced from uranium minerals and ores. This isotope is found in the earth’s crust in small quantities. Polonium-210 also emits an alpha particle and decays into lead-210. It emits alpha particles and decays into lead-205. The half-life of polonium-209 is 102 years, making it the most stable isotope. Only 3 isotopes have an appreciable half-life - polonium-210, polonium-209, and polonium-208. Polonium-210 is created through emission of beta particles. Neurons are used to bombard bismuth-209, and bismuth-210 is formed as a result. It is a scarce element that is produced in nuclear reactors. The element has 33 radioactive isotopes, including polonium-208 and polonium-210. Polonium (atomic number 84, symbol Po) is a radioactive element and a very rare semi-metal.

Po element